911 – The Alarm is Sounding: A Call to Prepare for the Coming Rain

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The nations are on the brink. The alarm is sounding. What has been built on faulty foundations will crumble and shake before the Lord. This is the hour of uprooting and leveling. Nothing hidden will remain, and nothing built outside of His will shall stand.

A shaking is coming that will be felt across the world. It will not be subtle. It will not be ignored. The Light of the World is about to shine from the very foundations of creation, exposing, refining, and awakening His people.

A Tidal Wave of Revival

From the depths of the earth, a great wave will rise—a breaking, a crashing, a flood of revival rain. The mist will fill the air, and the downpour will be relentless. The shaking will come, and with it, the rain will pour.

Revival will be among us. And the sign will be rain. Unceasing, unrelenting, undeniable rain.

Study the Rain

Go to the Word. Trace the patterns. When did it rain in scripture? What preceded the rain? What was God speaking? What were His people doing?

  • Noah – Judgment, cleansing, and a new beginning.
  • Elijah – Fire fell, altars were restored, and then the heavens opened.
  • Pentecost – The Spirit poured out like a mighty rushing wind, a deluge of power and commissioning.

Rain is both a sign and a strategy. It marks judgment and revival, destruction and renewal.

Pray for the Rain

This is not a passive call. This is a divine assignment. Pray for the rain. Contend for the downpour. Pull it from heaven to earth.

The alarm is sounding. The shaking has begun. The rain is coming. Will you be ready?


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Calling all intercessors

We’re here to disciple, equip + build up warriors who will war for the Kingdom - push back against the gates of Hell and live yoked to the Holy Spirit.

Our mission is to ignite a movement of women who walk unapologetically in their Eden identity, fueled by radical faith, dunamis power, and a warrior mentality. We exist to guide women through a process of freedom and reformation, awakening revival fire in their hearts and sending them out to ignite change wherever they go.

We’re calling out to the women who know there’s more but haven’t yet seen it. To the John the Baptist women—called to prepare the way—who are done with cupcake Christianity and ready for something holy. Women who won’t settle for pretty stages or hollow rituals, but are ready to build messy altars, encounter the Holy Spirit, and rise as warriors in this hour.

This is a call to those who are ready to be transformed by the fire of God—women who will carry His power with boldness and let it burn through everything that holds them back.


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