Armed and Dangerous: Spiritual Warfare Tactics to Adopt Immediately

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The battle is raging. Whether you see it or not, spiritual warfare is happening all around you. The enemy seeks to wear you down, distract you, and keep you bound. But here’s the truth: you are not fighting for victory—you are fighting FROM victory. Jesus has already won. Your job is to stand, wield your weapons, and enforce His dominion.

1. Know Your Authority

Too many believers fight from a place of fear instead of authority. Jesus gave you power over the enemy:

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” – Luke 10:19

Walk in this. You are not weak. You are not helpless. You are seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6), and you operate from that position.


  • Declare your authority aloud daily.
  • Cancel demonic assignments over your life, family, and territory in Jesus’ name.
  • Walk in boldness, knowing hell trembles at the Christ in you.

2. Guard Your Mind

The enemy’s primary battlefield is your mind. If he can infiltrate your thoughts, he can control your actions. The devil is a liar, and his greatest weapon is deception.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 10:4-5


  • Identify lies the enemy whispers and replace them with God’s truth.
  • Reject negative thought patterns and declare scripture over your mind.
  • Fast and pray to break strongholds of fear, doubt, or confusion.

3. Engage in Fasting & Prayer

Some battles won’t break without fasting. Jesus said in Matthew 17:21, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” There are strongholds that require deeper spiritual discipline.


  • Set aside intentional days of fasting for breakthrough.
  • Pray strategic warfare prayers (binding the enemy, loosing God’s promises).
  • Engage in corporate prayer and intercession—there’s power in unity.

4. Speak the Word – It’s Your Sword

You are not unarmed in this fight. Your greatest weapon is the Word of God. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He didn’t argue with Satan—He spoke the Word.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword…” – Hebrews 4:12


  • Speak scripture over your circumstances.
  • Use the Word to counterattack every lie, temptation, and oppression.
  • Memorize key warfare verses so you always have a weapon ready.

5. Stay Hidden in the Presence of God

The safest place in warfare is in intimacy with God. The enemy can’t touch what is fully surrendered to Christ. Psalm 91 declares that those who dwell in the secret place are covered and protected.


  • Spend daily time in prayer and worship—don’t neglect your secret place.
  • Make the presence of God your dwelling place, not just a Sunday experience.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment in battle—He will guide you.

6. Put on the Full Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-18 lays out your divine armor:
Belt of Truth – Walk in truth, not deception.
Breastplate of Righteousness – Live in holiness, guard your heart.
Shoes of Peace – Stand firm in the Gospel.
Shield of Faith – Quench the enemy’s attacks.
Helmet of Salvation – Protect your mind from lies.
Sword of the Spirit – Use the Word as your weapon.
Prayer – Your secret weapon for supernatural reinforcement.

7. Stay on the Offensive

The enemy wants believers passive, always defending instead of advancing. But Jesus called you to occupy until He returns (Luke 19:13)—to take territory, not just protect it.


  • Take back your family, city, and nation through bold intercession.
  • Step into your calling and spiritual gifts—don’t shrink back.
  • Walk in radical obedience—the enemy fears a submitted life.

Final Call: Stand & Fight

The battle is real, but so is your victory. Do not let the enemy intimidate you into silence or retreat. Stand firm. Rise up. You were made for war, and you were made to win.

Will you engage, or will you retreat?


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We’re here to disciple, equip + build up warriors who will war for the Kingdom - push back against the gates of Hell and live yoked to the Holy Spirit.

Our mission is to ignite a movement of women who walk unapologetically in their Eden identity, fueled by radical faith, dunamis power, and a warrior mentality. We exist to guide women through a process of freedom and reformation, awakening revival fire in their hearts and sending them out to ignite change wherever they go.

We’re calling out to the women who know there’s more but haven’t yet seen it. To the John the Baptist women—called to prepare the way—who are done with cupcake Christianity and ready for something holy. Women who won’t settle for pretty stages or hollow rituals, but are ready to build messy altars, encounter the Holy Spirit, and rise as warriors in this hour.

This is a call to those who are ready to be transformed by the fire of God—women who will carry His power with boldness and let it burn through everything that holds them back.


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